Friday, 17 February 2017

I’m not a perfect person; I’m not a people person. I cherish being alone doesn’t make me a freak; it just means I’m different. I bleed, I hurt, I cry, I laugh,  I dream, I wish upon stars, I make mistakes, I get angry. I’m sporadically rude, I have a mini study/library with all my books and novels and I never get over those books. I read them over and over again and I never get bored. I am so boring that I make boring interesting, I am ambitious, and I love schooling more than anything else. I hate Telemundo, televista, zee world and it likes. I have a strict rule for honesty, I dig wrestling and football. I’m not very pretty and I’m not very smart.
I listen more than I talk, I am a reflector and a little bit a pragmatist, and I’m a dreamer, a visionary, a lady, a daughter, an aunt, a friend. I love completely and I’m crazy most part of the time. I don’t talk much but when I do, I’m ruthlessly blunt. Except for my feelings, I keep them all bottled up. I probably should have been named plain Jane (I’m pretty much the only female I know that don’t dig make up and fashion). I cannot stand people that talk too much, it wears me out. Mostly, I’m just trying to make the world a better place but most of all, I am human too and I’m nothing like you.
All these are part of the baggage, garbage and package I come with and I would never apologize for who I am. I am Isa Joy Anzayi and I love every single, tiny, crazy, part of me. Accept all of me or none at all.


  1. Correction:
    You are super pretty, and you are very smart from what I've seen so far.

  2. You always make me look good, thank you.
