Friday, 17 February 2017

You came in the dead of the night
bold and decisive
turning heads stealing hearts
Beating your chest
boasting your ego
claiming victory for every trophy
Yet in your wake
breaking hearts leaving scars
and people worse than you met them
But someday you going to catch your cold
from the ice inside your soul
So super star
who do you think you are?

I’m not a perfect person; I’m not a people person. I cherish being alone doesn’t make me a freak; it just means I’m different. I bleed, I hurt, I cry, I laugh,  I dream, I wish upon stars, I make mistakes, I get angry. I’m sporadically rude, I have a mini study/library with all my books and novels and I never get over those books. I read them over and over again and I never get bored. I am so boring that I make boring interesting, I am ambitious, and I love schooling more than anything else. I hate Telemundo, televista, zee world and it likes. I have a strict rule for honesty, I dig wrestling and football. I’m not very pretty and I’m not very smart.
I listen more than I talk, I am a reflector and a little bit a pragmatist, and I’m a dreamer, a visionary, a lady, a daughter, an aunt, a friend. I love completely and I’m crazy most part of the time. I don’t talk much but when I do, I’m ruthlessly blunt. Except for my feelings, I keep them all bottled up. I probably should have been named plain Jane (I’m pretty much the only female I know that don’t dig make up and fashion). I cannot stand people that talk too much, it wears me out. Mostly, I’m just trying to make the world a better place but most of all, I am human too and I’m nothing like you.
All these are part of the baggage, garbage and package I come with and I would never apologize for who I am. I am Isa Joy Anzayi and I love every single, tiny, crazy, part of me. Accept all of me or none at all.